The lenders who offer these personal loans look at different criteria for the loan to be approved. Instead of looking at the traditional criteria such as credit history in the borrower's application, the lenders are more interested in the borrower's ability to repay the loan. This means that your income is the main source that lenders consider when looking at these short term loan applications. The reason why income is so important is because it can often decide whether or not someone will have the financial capability to repay the debt.
Another important factor that determines lenders willingness to approve personal loans for poor credit borrowers is their employment history. If you have been with the same company for many years, most lenders will consider you a safe bet and approve your loan. You may also be eligible for a lower interest rate on your personal loan.
If you are looking to apply for a personal loan for poor credit, you will need to look around at a variety of different lenders available. This will ensure that you get the best interest rates available for your loan.
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