No lender can assure everybody that the personal loan is guaranteed to be given.This is because the lenders take several factors in to account when they decide whether loan application can be approved or not.So putting forth that the loans are guaranteed would not mean a sound promise.Nevertheless,there are some measures or indications that can tell you whether loan approval is going to be easy or not.
Some of the factors for a guaranteed personal loan are as follows:
1.good credit score and a well established credit history,
2.a cosigner with a good credit rating, a collateral - this means a secured loan instead of an unsecured one,
4.income requirement is also important since this would play a major role if you are asking for a bigger amount of loan.
If you think that neither of the above factors are favouring you then you have to resort to some other solutions.For example,if the credit score is not impressive then the no credit check personal loans would come handy.It is better to avoid loan applications to lenders who have no history of giving no credit check loans.Instead,search for those lenders who have a good credibility and are also giving loans to people with horrible credit rating.Such lenders are termed as the Subprime Personal Loan lenders.The interest rate will be slightly higher and if you are concerned about the rate,you have to either do credit improvement or settle for a secured loan.